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Frauke Hobbs from Beyond Talk Counselling helps people develop positive, caring relationships with themselves and others. She enables them to find new perspectives that support their growth and healing.

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Meet Frauke from Beyond Talk Counselling

Welcome to my website! Why so many boardwalk and nature images on my website? Boardwalks in nature remind me of my childhood home in northern Germany, next to a fjord bordering on Scandinavia. To me boardwalks represent the concept of life as a journey of exploration and discovery, of growing into and becoming who we already are.

As a clinical counsellor and psychotherapist I walk beside my clients on their journey. I lean in to help them overcome and transform life’s challenges and struggles into opportunities for growth and healing. I believe that everyone has an inner or core Self that is whole, wise and resourceful. We all have a purpose or an intelligence to unfold, and everyone wants meaningful relationships to express that purpose.  In my Beyond Talk Counselling practice I help people connect with their unique qualities and core Self, so they can express their inner potential and purpose in life.

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What is Beyond Talk Counselling

As a psychotherapist I combine the benefits of expressive therapies, such as Interactive Drawing Therapy with appropriate talking therapies. I encourage clients to use drawing implements such as crayons, pastels and coloured pencils, when drawing out inner aspects, such as thoughts, feelings, impulses and sensations, as well as talking and writing about these inner representations on an A 3 page. This process allows unconscious issues to emerge, become conscious and be safely represented on the page. Once the unconscious becomes conscious and deep-seated emotions become unstuck, people are much more capable of talking and reflecting about their problems, feelings and thoughts.


“I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being.”

― Hafiz of Shiraz