Personal and professional training options with Interactive Drawing Therapy (IDT)
IDT Introductory Workshop
This two hour experiential workshop introduces participants to IDT as a counselling and journaling approach. The session is suitable for people interested in personal development, healing, mindfulness and creative self-expression as well as for people in the helping professions, who look for creative-expressive ways of working with their clients. This workshop leads smoothly into the IDT Foundation Course and the Survivors Art Journaling course.
Interactive Drawing Therapy (IDT) is a unique page-based way of working with words, images and feelings to access different parts of your inner self. The page becomes a mirror for you, helping you see yourself more objectively from new perspectives, facilitating insight, inner resourcefulness, and profound change.
The page is used as a therapeutic tool to mediate relationships between self and other, and one part of the person and other parts. As people layer from surface-level matters to deeper level issues, they naturally move their perception from literal and pragmatic talk about their external world, to symbolic and metaphoric image description of their internal world. Through perception of self onto the page, people are able to reframe, normalise, modify and re-write their beliefs and stories about themselves and others. The IDT process helps to uncover personal strengths, insights, possibilities and new perspectives that allow people to make empowering changes in their lives.
Date: Saturday 4 September, 2—4pm
Venue: Aquarius Healing & Education Centre, 154 Mt Barker Road, Stirling
Workshop fee: $40
Contact Frauke for more information and to register
Survivors Art Journaling
In this four week workshop participants explore and learn about a unique journaling approach, using Interactive Drawing Therapy for personal growth, empowerment and healing.
Survivors Art Journaling with IDT can assist with expressing and transforming uncomfortable, conflicting and distressing thoughts, feelings and experiences. Survivors Art Journaling also helps to uncover personal strengths, insights, possibilities and new perspectives that allow people to make empowering changes in their lives. Participants will learn how to apply the key concepts and methods of this unique journaling approach to be able to accompany and guide themselves in managing life’s challenges and opportunities.
Survivors Art Journaling will help you to:
o Safely uncover underlying issues, key matters and opportunities
o Move with more ease through difficult or challenging times
o Access your inner resourcefulness and wisdom
o Reframe and transform old perceptions
o Gain insights and clarity
o Explore new possibilities and potential
o Facilitate your own healing and empowerment
Dates: Tue 12th, 19th, 26th October, 2nd November, 7—9pm
Venue: Aquarius Healing & Education Centre, 154 Mt Barker Road, Stirling
Course fee: $160
Contact Frauke for more information and to register
IDT Foundation Course
The IDT Foundation Course is the first step toward developing IDT skill and knowledge and is open to all who work in the ‘helping professions’. This experiential training presents IDT basic principles, methods and clinical frameworks, and is designed to help participants become aware of the hidden messages in client words, images and behaviour, providing reliable guidelines for constructive interventions using IDT. The four day Foundation Course comprises two by 2-day units.
IDT Foundation Unit One:
Introduces the basic IDT method, key concepts, working with pages, session management, guiding principles, use of metaphors, drawing interventions, how to work with overwhelmed and resistant clients.
Each section includes theory, demonstration, practice, reflection/questions. An experiential learning delivery.
By the end of the two-day Unit One participants will be able to employ the basic IDT method as a unique drawing tool when working with clients.
IDT Foundation Unit One is a pre-requisite for Foundation Unit Two.
IDT Foundation Unit Two:
A two day training recommended to complete the introductory training to safe delivery.
Introduces how IDT recognises and works with the different levels of issues, expands the key concepts, includes the therapeutic process, parts work, predictable difficulties, how to work with words, thematic frameworks and transitions.
By the end of the two-day Unit Two, participants will be able to recognise various thematic frameworks that clients commonly present, and be able to shape IDT interventions accordingly.
Foundation Unit One Dates 5 & 6 November, 8.30am—5pm
Foundation Unit Two Dates 12 & 13 November, 8.30am—5pm
Sophia, 225 Cross Rd, Cumberland Park
Course fees
Unit One & Two (4 days) AUD$900
Unit One only (2 days) AUD$500